Investing in AI stocks.

Investing in AI stocks

In this article – Nice returns  I  How it works  I  The portfolio  I  What it costs

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution has begun. ChatGPT, OpenAI and NVIDIA are just some of the familiar names. Cunning investors have clearly understood the importance of this new technology.

Investing in AI stocks is accessible to all investors. FREESTOXX's Stock-Box service makes it easy. Open an account.

The returns on investment

AI stocks

This is the return of the Stock-Box with 8 AI stocks. After just a few months, the returns are already impressive. It is clear that artificial intelligence stocks are soaring.

AI stock investments.

Nasdaq stocks

With a return of over 225% return since 2016, the Nasdaq Stock-Box has been a huge success. Technology stocks remain the strongest sector for investors.

Nasdaq stocks investments.

Open a Stock-Box account if you want to set up and maintain a stock portfolio easily and efficiently.

This is how the AI Stock-Box works

Any investor can work with the Stock-Box service.

1. Every month you receive an e-mail.

2. In the e-mail, you see the stocks.

AI stocks portfolio for investors.

3. Click the green button in the e-mail.

4. Your portfolio will be updated automatically.

Click once a month for the perfect portfolio.

It couldn't be simpler.

The selected AI stocks

The Stock-Box service operates on the momentum principle. The momentum principle was identified by Professor Eugene Fama during his research into the predictability of stock prices. Professor Fama was awarded the Nobel Prize for this research.

Momentum is the only phenomenon that occurs repetitively in the stock market. Stocks that rise sharply continue to rise further.

Professor Fama states:

"You can make a lot more money by buying high and selling even higher."

– Professor Eugene Fama, Nobel Prize in economics

Most investors take the opposite approach! They sell stocks that have risen sharply and buy decliners hoping they will rise.

Nobel prize awarded theory of Eugene Fama.

Investing in AI

The AI Stock-Box consists of the eight stocks. They are identified by Professor Fama's momentum principle. The portfolio is updated monthly. With the Stock-Box service, you can easily set-up and update this portfolio. One click per month is all you need.

Find the eight stocks here

AI champions

Eight AI stocks with momentum

Click here

E book about investing in Nasdaq stocks.

"Their customer service has been at the highest level for years." – Kurt

The AI Stock-Box service is virtually free

The Stock-Box service fee is a fixed 149 € per annum. No other fees are applicable.

At $0,0035 per share, minimum $0.89, the order commission is truly negligible.

Updating my stock portfolio

After you click ‘agree’ in the monthly e-mail, your portfolio is updated automatically. All positions start the month with the same size. This avoids overweighting one or several stocks in the portfolio. You can track your portfolio in real time!


Novices in stock investing also benefit from the Stock-Box service. The momentum principle can be found in many academic papers and on the internet. The stocks are all part of the Nasdaq 100 stock market index. They are large, well-known companies.

In a nutshell

Eight Nasdaq stocks spread risk.

The momentum principle from a Nobel Prize laureate.

One click a month to update your portfolio.

The Stock-Box service is almost free.

Suitable for recurring monthly investments.

How do I start?

  Open a stock account

  Activate the AI Stock-Box in the store

  Click once a month

Open an account and invest in stocks.

Investing in artificial intelligence via your Freestoxx account.

The next steps

After opening the account, you can log in immediately. Real-time stock quotes and a demo account are available. You will receive an e-mail with information on how to transfer money to your stock account so you can start investing. Visit the store and activate the AI Stock-Box service.

Recurring investments

Clients, who want to invest on a recurring basis, can set up a monthly automatic transfer from their bank to their Freestoxx stock account. The money will be automatically invested in your Stock-Box.

Also invest in Nasdaq stocks

The Nasdaq Stock-Box is the perfect solution for investing in technology stocks.

Broker with high-quality licences

Offices WH SelfInvest.

FREESTOXX is een dienst en merk van broker WH SelfInvest. WH SelfInvest N.V., opgericht in 1998, heeft een broker vergunning (nr. 42798), een commissionaire vergunning (nr. 36399) en een vermogensbeheer vergunning (nr. 1806) uitgereikt door het Luxemburgse Ministerie van Financiën. Het bedrijf staat onder toezicht van de “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier". Gebaseerd op een Europees paspoort heeft het bedrijf: een bijkantoor in Frankrijk (Nr. 18943 acpr) dat eveneens onderworpen is aan het toezicht van de "Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution" (ACPR) en de "Banque de France" en een bijkantoor in Duitsland (nr. 122635) dat eveneens onderworpen is aan het toezicht van de "Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht" (BAFIN). Verder heeft WH SelfInvest een representatiekantoor in Zwitserland dat eveneens onderworpen is aan het toezicht van de "Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority" (FINMA), en representatiekantoren, op basis van het Europees paspoort, in België en Nederland die aangemeld zijn bij de bevoegde autoriteiten.